Strong winds are forecast
For coastal areas up to 12 miles offshore from 0600 UTC Thu 19 Aug until 0600 UTC Fri 20 Aug24 hour forecast:
- Wind -South or southwest 4 or 5 increasing 5 to 7.
- Sea State-Moderate, becoming rough in west.
- Weather-Showers then rain and drizzle.
- Visibility-Good, becoming moderate or poor.
Outlook for the following 24 hours:
- Wind-South or southwest 5 to 7, decreasing 4 or 5.
- Sea State-Moderate or rough.
- Weather-Rain or drizzle, fog patches.
- Visibility-Moderate or poor, occasionally very poor.
- Used today to stock up on various essential supplies: wine, sweets, ham, strawberries and cream. Oh and hydraulic oil for the steering system. Shoping is back to separate shops for separate things; no massive under one roof supermarket. So the butchers for ham, the winemerchants for wine, sweet shop for treats, general stores for the strawberries and cream.
- On the water taxi we spotted a couple of boats we had seen in other ports. It is a small world.
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