Thursday, 19 August 2010

Strong Wind Warning

 Looks like we are here for at least another day. The inshore waters forecast and coastal forecast both indicate strong winds for this area, and our next passage, across Lyme Bay, has no refuges once we set out if the weather is bad.

Strong winds are forecast
For coastal areas up to 12 miles offshore from 0600 UTC Thu 19 Aug until 0600 UTC Fri 20 Aug

24 hour forecast:

Wind -South or southwest 4 or 5 increasing 5 to 7.
Sea State-Moderate, becoming rough in west.
Weather-Showers then rain and drizzle.
Visibility-Good, becoming moderate or poor.

Outlook for the following 24 hours:

Wind-South or southwest 5 to 7, decreasing 4 or 5.
Sea State-Moderate or rough.
Weather-Rain or drizzle, fog patches.
Visibility-Moderate or poor, occasionally very poor.
Used today to stock up on various essential supplies: wine, sweets, ham, strawberries and cream. Oh and hydraulic oil for the steering system. Shoping is back to separate shops for separate things; no massive under one roof supermarket. So the butchers for ham, the winemerchants for wine, sweet shop for treats, general stores for the strawberries and cream.

On the water taxi we spotted a couple of boats we had seen in other ports. It is a small world.

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